Resources for the Recording Musician


April 6, 2005
Getting Started in the Music Business

This is a reply of mine to one of the many young people who ask me how to get started in the biz. The first thing I want to say to all you young people out there who are sending e-mails to every producer, studio owner, and small (or big) record label on the net, […]

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April 1, 2005
General Recording Tips - Part 1

A collection of random recording tips to make your songs sound better. You must remember that in recording, the sound quality is only going to be as good as the weakest link in your recording chain. To improve your sound quality, start at the source. If the source itself doesn't sound good, then no amount […]

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April 1, 2005
Contemporary Vocal Sound Techniques

Often on newgroups or forums, people will ask how to achieve a certain vocal sound.  The following is my reply to one such post where someone was looking to achieve that contemporary up front, in your face sound, that is also wide (stereo) sounding and has some depth to it. Although trying to make the […]

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April 1, 2005
Understanding Microphones - Dynamics vs. Condensers

Every microphone is different and imparts its own unique sound to whatever you are recording.  There is a very good reason why the best studios have a very large assortment of microphones.... Every microphone is different and imparts its own unique sound to whatever you are recording.  There is a very good reason why the […]

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February 4, 2005
Recording Acoustic Guitars

Random tips and thoughts on recording acoustic guitars taken from several of my postings to the newsgroups. Here are some random tips and thoughts on recording acoustic guitars taken from several of my postings to the newsgroups. -- The most important part of getting a good sound is the source itself.  If you have a […]

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January 22, 2005
Compression - A Simple Explanation

My simple explanation of compressors, how they work, and how you can use them. A compressor is basically a variable gain device that is used to either try to smooth out the dynamic range of a signal, or is also sometimes used as an effect.  Different compressors have different types of characteristics and sounds that […]

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December 14, 2004
3D Mixing and the Art of Equalization

Here is a reply of mine to a person who asked about sound sculpting during a mix. Regarding sound sculpting, let me tell you about a very common mistake that beginners make during mixing (and sometimes tracking): An all too common practice during mixing is to solo up each sound all by itself and then […]

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